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Our Top Rug Cleaning Videos From August

Our top rug cleaning videos for august

Another hot and busy time for us at Mountain Rug Cleaning this August. But boy! Did we clean some stinkers this month! Here are our top 3. Check out the channel for all are other vids.

The Smell Of Excrement Was Strong In This One | Deep Cleaning a Rug That Smelled Like Poo

This video showcases the effort and care taken to transform a smelly and soiled rug into a fresh and clean centrepiece.

Resurrecting Elegance: The Epic Cleaning of a Mud-Caked Shaggy Rug

This quick video showcases the remarkable before-and-after, demonstrating the power of effective cleaning.

Snug As a Slug, In The Mouldy Rug

Restoring this once-neglected rug to its former glory. With expert care, we remove the stubborn mould and address the unexpected presence of a slug.

Thanks for watching! More amazing rug cleaning videos in next months newsletter!

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